Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Better battery imaging paves way for renewable energy future

In a move that could improve the energy storage of everything from portable electronics to electric microgrids, researchers have developed a novel X-ray imaging technique to visualize and study the electrochemical reactions in lithium-ion rechargeable batteries containing a new type of material, iron fluoride.

Apr 21st, 2015

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Researchers succeed in light-controlled molecule switching

Scientists are working on storing and processing information on the level of single molecules to create the smallest possible components that will combine autonomously to form a circuit. As recently reported, the researchers can switch on the current flow through a single molecule for the first time with the help of light.

Apr 20th, 2015

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Nanowire-bacteria hybrids perform solar-powered green chemistry with captured CO2

A potentially game-changing breakthrough in artificial photosynthesis has been achieved with the development of a system that can capture carbon dioxide emissions before they are vented into the atmosphere and then, powered by solar energy, convert that carbon dioxide into valuable chemical products, including biodegradable plastics, pharmaceutical drugs and even liquid fuels.

Apr 16th, 2015

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An electronic micropump to deliver treatments deep within the brain

For a condition such as epilepsy, it is essential to act at exactly the right time and place in the brain. For this reason, researchers have developed an organic electronic micropump which, when combined with an anti-convulsant drug, enables localized inhibition of epileptic seizure in brain tissue in vitro.

Apr 16th, 2015

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