Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Research opens the way to living implants

Researchers have found a method that allows them to ensure that living cells - in this case bacteria from the human body - can be incorporated in materials while maintaining their mobility. This opens the way to a wide range of new applications, for example as part of medical implants.

Apr 28th, 2015

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Two-dimensional semiconductor comes clean

Scientists demonstrated that they could dramatically improve the performance of graphene by encapsulating it in molybdenum disulfide, an insulating material with a similar layered structure.

Apr 27th, 2015

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Weighing and imaging molecules one at a time

Building on their creation of the first-ever mechanical device that can measure the mass of individual molecules, one at a time, a team of scientists has created nanodevices that can also reveal their shape. Such information is crucial when trying to identify large protein molecules or complex assemblies of protein molecules.

Apr 27th, 2015

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