Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Is graphene hydrophobic or hydrophilic?

New research investigates the hydrophobicity of epitaxial graphene, which could be used in the future to better tailor graphene coatings to applications in medicine, electronics and more.

Aug 17th, 2015

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Engineers 'sandwich' atomic layers to make new materials for energy storage

Using a method they invented for joining disparate elemental layers into a stable material with uniform, predictable properties, researchers are testing an array of new combinations that may vastly expand the options available to create faster, smaller, more efficient energy storage, advanced electronics and wear-resistant materials.

Aug 14th, 2015

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New fluorescent polymer makes deformation visible

A new type of polymer can show that it has changed shape. After exposure to UV light, the chain-like molecules emit a different colour of light. This opens a new pathway for research into how viruses function in a cell and how minor damage in rubbers and plastics can accumulate and lead to rupture.

Aug 13th, 2015

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Nano-style sheets may aid health, shield ecosystem

Nanomembrane sheets made from nylon resemble a tangled web. The tiny iron oxide particles on the fiber surfaces can help clean toxic chemicals from water, but if the particles get separated from the web, they can become hazards themselves.

Aug 12th, 2015

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