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3D printing used as a tool to explain theoretical physics

Students may soon be able to reach out and touch some of the theoretical concepts they are taught in their physics classes thanks to a novel idea devised by a group of researchers from Imperial College London. The researchers have successfully demonstrated how complex theoretical physics can be transformed into a physical object using a 3D printer.

Dec 9th, 2013

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Developing convincing 3D printed skin

Researchers at the University of Liverpool are developing synthetic skin that can be produced on a 3D printer and matched to a person based on their age, gender and ethnic group.

Dec 3rd, 2013

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3D printed wooden objects

Researchers at the Illinois Makerlab have begun to experiment with a wood-based polymer. This new material is fed through 3D printers just like plastic but produces objects that look like they were carved from wood.

Nov 8th, 2013

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