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Developing convincing 3D printed skin

Researchers at the University of Liverpool are developing synthetic skin that can be produced on a 3D printer and matched to a person based on their age, gender and ethnic group.

Dec 3rd, 2013

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3D printed wooden objects

Researchers at the Illinois Makerlab have begun to experiment with a wood-based polymer. This new material is fed through 3D printers just like plastic but produces objects that look like they were carved from wood.

Nov 8th, 2013

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The ultimate iron chef - when 3D printers invade the kitchen (w/video)

Printing food seems more like an idea based in Star Trek rather than in the average home. But recent advances in 3D printing are driving the concept closer to reality. With everything from printed metal airplane wings to replacement organs on the horizon, could printed food be next? And how will we feel when it's served at the table?

Oct 14th, 2013

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