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Power to gas: Storing the wind and sun in natural gas

An option to store the electricity won from sun and wind is to use it for the production of chemical energy carriers. Still, the power-to-gas process is far from being economically efficient at the moment. The HELMETH EU project is aimed at demonstrating that efficiencies of more than 85 percent can be achieved by better using the synergies of existing process steps.

Apr 22nd, 2014

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Climate Action Plan steps up sustainability strategy

As the global importance for a low-carbon economy grows urgent, Cornell has posted its most aggressive carbon-reduction strategy to date: the Cornell Climate Action Plan Update and Roadmap 2014-15. The plan focuses on climate neutrality, academic innovation and leadership, clarifies next steps for a dozen future key maneuvers, and highlights five dozen additional carbon reduction actions.

Apr 17th, 2014

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Surprising material could play role in saving energy

Scientists have discovered a surprising material that is the best in the world at converting waste heat to useful electricity. This outstanding property could be exploited in solid-state thermoelectric devices in a variety of industries, with potentially enormous energy savings.

Apr 17th, 2014

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A greener source of polyester - cork trees

On the scale of earth-friendly materials, you'd be hard pressed to find two that are farther apart than polyester (not at all) and cork (very). In an unexpected twist, however, scientists are figuring out how to extract a natural, waterproof, antibacterial version of the first material from the latter.

Apr 16th, 2014

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Environmentally compatible organic solar cells

Environmentally compatible production methods for organic solar cells from novel materials are in the focus of MatHero. The new project aims at making organic photovoltaics competitive to their inorganic counterparts by enhancing the efficiency of organic solar cells, reducing their production costs and increasing their life-time.

Apr 16th, 2014

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DLR tests solar aircraft for round-the-world trip

To fly once around the world, across continents and oceans - powered by the Sun; this is the unprecedented goal of the SolarImpulse project. The flying venture is expected to take place in 2015, using an extremely lightweight aircraft covered with solar cells and powered by four electrically driven propellers.

Apr 9th, 2014

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Climate models underestimate costs to future generations

Future generations will have to pay more for today's carbon emissions than what governments across the world currently understand. The climate models used by policymakers around the world to estimate the economic and social costs of CO2 emissions have to be improved.

Apr 9th, 2014

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