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Climate-smart agriculture requires three-pronged global research agenda

A focused, three-pronged research agenda is needed if the world is to boost agricultural production and meet the demands of its upwardly spiraling population, while dealing with climate change and limited options for expanding agricultural land, report researchers summarizing findings from the most recent Climate Smart Agriculture Conference.

Sep 5th, 2014

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Future solar panels

Conventional photovoltaic technology uses large, heavy, opaque, dark silicon panels, but this could soon change. Researchers within the X10D European project are working on new materials to produce solar panels in order to come up with alternatives to the current panels. What is needed to improve the functioning of cells with a large surface are materials that cost less to produce and offer greater energy efficiency.

Sep 2nd, 2014

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New solutions needed to recycle fracking water

Scientists have performed a detailed analysis of water produced by hydraulic fracturing (aka fracking) of three gas reservoirs and suggested environmentally friendly remedies are needed to treat and reuse it.

Aug 28th, 2014

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A semi-artificial leaf faster than natural photosynthesis

A cooperation between chemists and biologists resulted in a new method for the very efficient integration of photosynthetic proteins in photovoltaics. Their recent report offers a new immobilization strategy that yields electron transfer rates exceeding for the first time rates observed in natural photosynthesis.

Aug 20th, 2014

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Solar energy that doesn't block the view

A ew type of solar concentrator that, when placed over a window, creates solar energy while allowing people to actually see through the window. It is called a transparent luminescent solar concentrator and can be used on buildings, cell phones and any other device that has a flat, clear surface.

Aug 19th, 2014

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Asian inventions dominate energy storage systems

In recent years, the number of patent applications for electrochemical energy storage technologies has soared. According to a new study, the largest volume of applications by far is submitted by developers of lithium batteries. The study offers a first differentiated analysis of which energy storage technologies will be viable in the exit from fossil-fuel energy. In this area, European and US companies are falling behind economically, as Asian companies apply for a substantially higher number of patents.

Aug 19th, 2014

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