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Geoengineering report: Scientists urge more research on climate intervention

Deep cuts in greenhouse gas emissions, while necessary, may not happen soon enough to stave off climate catastrophe. So, in addition, the world may need to resort to so-called geoengineering approaches that aim to deliberately control the planet's climate. That's according to a National Research Council committee that today released a pair of sweeping reports on climate intervention techniques.

Feb 10th, 2015

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U.S. trend toward sustainable energy continued in 2014

The United States saw continued growth in renewable energy, natural gas and energy efficiency in 2014, according to the third annual Sustainable Energy in America Factbook. The Factbook shows that U.S. deployment of sustainable energy increased as prices continued to fall and that investment in U.S. clean energy grew at a higher rate.

Feb 9th, 2015

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Preventing greenhouse gas from entering the atmosphere

A novel class of materials that enable a safer, cheaper, and more energy-efficient process for removing greenhouse gas from power plant emissions has been developed by a multi-institution team of researchers. The approach could be an important advance in carbon capture and sequestration (CCS).

Feb 5th, 2015

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Clean technology can partially make up for weak CO2 pricing

Clean technology support can to some extent make up for weak CO2 pricing and hence help keep the two degrees target within reach, a new study shows. Even if the world climate summit in Paris later this year is successful in striking a climate deal, it might not bring about sharp greenhouse-gas cuts in the near-term. However, emission targets could be strengthened by complementary policies.

Feb 2nd, 2015

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A long-lasting obstacle of solid oxide fuel cells has been overcome

One of the major drawbacks of carbon-fueled battery cells is the intrinsic presence of CO2, which impedes CO oxidation and, therefore, lowers the energy density of the cell. Researchers describe a novel dual-phase ion-conducting ceramic membrane that is absolutely gas-tight but highly permeable for CO2.

Jan 30th, 2015

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Running fuel cells on bacteria

Researchers in Norway have succeeded in getting bacteria to power a fuel cell. The 'fuel' used is wastewater, and the products of the process are purified water droplets and electricity.

Jan 30th, 2015

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Jet fuel from algae?

A common algae commercially grown to make fish food holds promise as a source for both biodiesel and jet fuel, according to a new study.

Jan 29th, 2015

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NREL reports examine economic trade-offs of owning versus leasing a solar photovoltaic system

Two new reports from the Energy Department's National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) examine the economic options customers face when deciding how to finance commercial or residential solar energy systems. NREL analysts found that businesses that use low-cost financing to purchase a photovoltaic (PV) system and homeowners who use solar-specific loans can save up to 30 percent compared with consumers who lease a PV system through a conventional third-party owner.

Jan 27th, 2015

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