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Making clean hydrogen is hard, but researchers just solved a major hurdle

Researchers have found a low-cost way to solve one half of the water-splitting equation to produce hydrogen as clean energy -- using sunlight to efficiently split off oxygen molecules from water. The finding represents a step forward toward greater adoption of hydrogen as a key part of our energy infrastructure.

Jul 19th, 2021

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Solar energy from the deep repository

During the winter months, renewable energy is in short supply throughout Europe. An international project is now considering an unconventional solution: Renewable hydrogen and carbon dioxide are pumped into the ground together, where naturally occurring microorganisms convert the two substances into methane, the main component of natural gas.

Jun 22nd, 2021

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Producing hydrogen using less energy

The way in which a compound inspired by nature produces hydrogen has now been described in detail for the first time by an international research team. These findings are the foundation for the energy-efficient production of hydrogen as a sustainable energy source.

Jun 22nd, 2021

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Holograms increase solar energy yield

A newly developed holographic light collector boosts solar panel efficiency for an energy conversion increase of approximately five percent over the course of a year.

May 25th, 2021

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Food scraps get a bold new life as robust construction materials

Researchers have demonstrated that food waste, such as fruit peels and vegetable leaves, can be processed into construction materials that are stronger than concrete but still edible and even tasty. Food scraps that produced weaker materials could be reinforced by adding another food-derived component.

May 25th, 2021

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Environmental exposure during travel

Environmental exposure during travel is an emerging research field with strong contribution potential to urban and transport planning. The new research field benefits from contemporary location-aware sensor technology that enables to collect data about both human mobility and environmental conditions.

May 24th, 2021

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