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Rise and fall of the Maya in response to climate change

An international and interdisciplinary team of scientists including Norbert Marwan from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) presents a precisely dated, high resolution regional climate record for the past 2000 years that for the first time shows how the Maya political systems developed and disintegrated in response to climate change.

Nov 9th, 2012

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Integrating electric vehicles into power grids

Europe is paving the way for a transition from fossil fuels toward sustainable forms of energy. EU-funded scientists are developing technology and tools to facilitate integration of electric vehicles (EVs) into electricity grids.

Nov 9th, 2012

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Uniting the EU and China on fuel cell research

An EU-funded consortium of European and Chinese research centres and industrial partners have advanced fuel cell (FC) technology. Such collaborations help foster common goals and ways of achieving them benefiting all involved.

Nov 9th, 2012

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Researchers develop effective thermal energy storage system

Engineering researchers at the University of Arkansas have developed a thermal energy storage system that will work as a viable alternative to current methods used for storing energy collected from solar panels. Incorporating the researchers? design into the operation of a concentrated solar power plant will dramatically increase annual energy production while significantly decreasing production costs.

Nov 9th, 2012

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Energy storage developer LightSail Energy raises $37.3 million

LightSail Energy, a developer of breakthrough energy storage technology, announced today that it has raised $37.3 million in Series D funding led by San Francisco investor Peter Thiel. Khosla Ventures, which incubated the company and led LightSail?s earlier rounds, Bill Gates, Innovacorp, and several other investors also participated in the round.

Nov 8th, 2012

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SSRL experiments to focus on solar technologies

SLAC's Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource will play a central role in three research projects that seek cheaper materials and manufacturing techniques for solar panels, with support from a Department of Energy program called the SunShot Initiative.

Nov 7th, 2012

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Capturing carbon with clever trapdoors

A team of Cooperative Research Centre for Greenhouse Gas Technologies (CO2CRC) researchers based at the University of Melbourne have developed a novel method of capturing carbon dioxide that will reduce the cost of separating and storing the gas.

Nov 7th, 2012

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Synthetic biofilter removes estrogens from drinking water

Conventional methods of filtering waste water in sewage treatment plants are unable to completely remove medicine residues such as the estrogens in birth control pills. Students from the Bielefeld University's Center for Biotechnology have now developed a biological filter in which specific enzymes (so-called laccases) break down these medicine residues.

Nov 7th, 2012

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