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Using bacteria batteries to make electricity

Their idea is state of the art: Ten Bielefeld students have set their sights on constructing a bio-battery. They want to make use of the bacteria Escherichia coli to convert glucose into energy.

Jul 17th, 2013

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EU research project will enable development of 'greener' IT products

Developing greener software and technology is crucial for ensuring people and organisations reduce their impact on the environment. A new project hopes to enable the development of greener IT products by providing the energy consumption information of computer systems early in the software design phase.

Jul 16th, 2013

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New findings could reveal mechanism behind zero-energy-loss current-carrying capability

In the search for understanding how some magnetic materials can be transformed to carry electric current with no energy loss, scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy's Brookhaven National Laboratory, Cornell University, and collaborators have made an important advance: Using an experimental technique they developed to measure the energy required for electrons to pair up and how that energy varies with direction, they've identified the factors needed for magnetically mediated superconductivity - as well as those that aren't.

Jul 15th, 2013

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Newly-launched bioenergy research programme to develop biofuel systems for the poor

The World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) have launched the IFAD-ICRAF Programme for the Development of Alternative Biofuel Crops, an initiative focused on providing clean energy for rural communities, enhancing local food security and increasing subsistence farmers' resilience to climate change.

Jul 12th, 2013

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New record efficiency for dye solar cells

Announced today in the prestigious scientific journal, Nature, is a paper by a team led by Professor Michael Graetzel describing a new deposition process to create the light harvesting pigment for solid-state dye solar cells. Cells fabricated using this technique have established a new world record efficiency of 15% for a solid-state Dye Solar Cell.

Jul 11th, 2013

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New analytical methodology can guide electrode optimization

Using a new analytical methodology - a coupled micro-computed X-ray tomography (MicroCT) and microfluidic-based electrochemical analysis - researchers at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign are gaining new insights into electrode structure-performance relationships for energy conversion and storage devices.

Jul 9th, 2013

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