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Cell morphology shapes protein patterns

Precise control of the distribution of specific proteins is essential for many biological processes. Researchers have now described a new model for intracellular pattern formation. Here, the shape of the cell itself plays a major role.

Jan 21st, 2016

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Memory capacity of brain is 10 times more than previously thought

Scientists have achieved critical insight into the size of neural connections, putting the memory capacity of the brain far higher than common estimates. The new work also answers a longstanding question as to how the brain is so energy efficient and could help engineers build computers that are incredibly powerful but also conserve energy.

Jan 20th, 2016

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Brain monitoring takes a leap out of the lab

Bioengineers and cognitive scientists have developed the first portable, 64-channel wearable brain activity monitoring system that's comparable to state-of-the-art equipment found in research laboratories.

Jan 13th, 2016

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Squeezing cells into stem cells

Scientists have developed a new method that turns cells into stem cells by 'squeezing' them. The method paves the way for large-scale production of stem cells for medical purposes.

Jan 11th, 2016

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In a step toward personalized drug testing, researchers coax human stem cells to form complex tissues.

Jan 7th, 2016

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Biophysicists discover the key feature of an accurate tool for optogenetics

Biophysicists have developed a hypothesis to explain the function of a light-driven protein which pumps sodium ions across a cell membrane, and they have revealed the key structural feature of these pumps. The scientists see these sodium pumps as being highly promising tools in using light signals to control nerve cells - which is exactly what is involved in the new scientific field of optogenetics.

Dec 14th, 2015

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Protein imaging reveals detailed brain architecture (w/video)

Chemical engineers and neuroscientists have developed a new way to classify neurons by labeling and imaging the proteins found in each cell. This type of imaging offers clues to each neuron's function and should help in mapping the human brain, the researchers say.

Dec 3rd, 2015

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How does nanotechnology work?