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Discovering the structure of RNA

A new study develops an innovative simulation model able to efficiently predict the conformation of ribonucleic acid molecules opening up interesting opportunities for application and research.

Jan 4th, 2018

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Growing organs a few ink drops at a time

Researchers refine method of making bio-ink droplets stick to each other, enabling 3D printing of highly complex biological structures with a wide variety of cell types using inkjet printers.

Dec 27th, 2017

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Fewer laboratory animals thanks to secondary nanobodies

Scientists have developed so-called secondary nanobodies that can replace the most-used antibodies and may drastically reduce the number of animals in antibody production. This is possible because the secondary nanobodies can be produced in large scale by bacteria.

Dec 21st, 2017

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Silky secrets to make bones

Some secrets to repair our skeletons might be found in the silky webs of spiders, according to recent experiments guided by supercomputers.

Dec 19th, 2017

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Searching for the CRISPR Swiss-army knife

Researchers have visualized the atomic structures of the Cpf1 and Cas9 proteins to analyse each of their properties and peculiarities that make them ideal for different applications in gene modification.

Dec 11th, 2017

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The future of crop engineering

Scientists aim to boost photosynthesis to meet the increasing global demand for food by engineering its key enzyme Rubisco. Now, researchers have succeeded in producing functional plant Rubisco in a bacterium. This allows genetic engineering of the enzyme.

Dec 8th, 2017

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DNA has gone digital - what could possibly go wrong?

Biology is becoming increasingly digitized. Researchers like us use computers to analyze DNA, operate lab equipment and store genetic information. But new capabilities also mean new risks - and biologists remain largely unaware of the potential vulnerabilities that come with digitizing biotechnology.

Dec 7th, 2017

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Computer analysis fills gaps in antibody blueprint

Antibodies consist of proteins with attached sugars. However, the blueprint directing the processing of these sugars on the protein was not well understood until now. Scientists used computer analysis to complete this blueprint and confirmed their findings in the laboratory.

Nov 30th, 2017

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How does nanotechnology work?