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A microscopic topographic map of cellular function

The flow of traffic through our nation's highways and byways is meticulously mapped and studied, but less is known about how materials in cells travel. Now, a team of researchers is challenging prior theories about how material leaves the inside of an E.coli cell. This discovery could have important implications for how we treat diseases.

Jun 13th, 2019

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Biotechnology construction kit for custom-designed products

Microorganisms often assemble natural products similar to product assembly lines. Certain enzymes, non-ribosomal peptide synthetases, play a key role in this process. Biotechnologists have now succeeded in changing these enzymes so that entirely new natural products, or even libraries of natural products, can be produced by microorganisms.

Jun 12th, 2019

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Path paved for printing replacement organs

Bioengineers have developed a 3D printing technique that creates the interacting networks for transport of air, blood, and other bodily fluids - a major step toward 3D printed replacement organs.

May 28th, 2019

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Scientists use molecular tethers and chemical 'light sabers' to construct platforms for tissue engineering

Researchers unveiled a new strategy to keep proteins intact and functional by modifying them at a specific point so that they can be chemically tethered to the scaffold using light. Since the tether can also be cut by laser light, this method can create evolving patterns of signal proteins throughout a biomaterial scaffold to grow tissues made up of different types of cells.

May 21st, 2019

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Researchers create artificial mother-of-pearl using bacteria

A biologist invented an inexpensive and environmentally friendly method for making artificial nacre using an innovative component: bacteria. The artificial nacre is made of biologically produced materials and has the toughness of natural nacre, while also being stiff and, surprisingly, bendable.

Apr 23rd, 2019

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How does nanotechnology work?