PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction): Amplifying DNA for Molecular Biology Applications

What is PCR?

PCR, or Polymerase Chain Reaction, is a revolutionary molecular biology technique that allows for the rapid amplification of specific DNA sequences. It is an essential tool in various fields, including genetics, forensics, and infectious disease diagnostics. PCR enables researchers to generate millions or billions of copies of a particular DNA segment from a small initial sample, making it possible to detect and analyze even trace amounts of genetic material.
This video illustrates the PCR process. It begins with denaturation, where the DNA template strands separate. Next, primers anneal to the target sequences during the annealing step. Finally, DNA polymerase extends the primers, synthesizing new DNA strands. This cycle repeats, exponentially amplifying the DNA.

Key Components of PCR

PCR relies on several essential components to achieve specific and efficient DNA amplification:
  • DNA Template: The DNA sample containing the target sequence to be amplified. It can be genomic DNA, cDNA, or plasmid DNA.
  • Primers: Short, synthetic oligonucleotide that are complementary to the ends of the target DNA sequence. Primers bind specifically to the template and serve as starting points for DNA synthesis.
  • DNA Polymerase: A thermostable enzyme, such as Taq polymerase, that catalyzes the synthesis of new DNA strands by extending the primers. DNA polymerase is responsible for the exponential amplification of the target sequence.
  • Nucleotides (dNTPs): The building blocks of DNA, including dATP, dCTP, dGTP, and dTTP. These nucleotides are incorporated into the newly synthesized DNA strands during the extension step.
  • Buffer Solution: A mixture of salts and other components that provide optimal conditions for the DNA polymerase to function efficiently and maintain the stability of the reaction.

The PCR Process

PCR involves three main steps that are repeated in cycles:


The PCR reaction mixture is heated to around 94-96°C, causing the double-stranded DNA template to separate into single strands. This high temperature breaks the hydrogen bonds between the complementary base pairs, allowing the DNA to be accessible for primer binding.


The temperature is lowered to around 50-65°C, enabling the primers to anneal specifically to their complementary sequences on the single-stranded DNA template. The optimal annealing temperature depends on the primer sequence and length.


The temperature is raised to around 72 °C, which is the optimal temperature for the DNA polymerase to extend the primers. The polymerase synthesizes new DNA strands by adding nucleotides to the 3' end of the primers, using the single-stranded template as a guide. The extension step typically lasts for 30 seconds to several minutes, depending on the length of the target sequence.
These three steps constitute one PCR cycle. The cycle is repeated 25-40 times, with each cycle doubling the amount of target DNA. As a result, millions or billions of copies of the target sequence are generated exponentially.

Variants and Advanced PCR Techniques

Several variants and advanced PCR techniques have been developed to enhance specificity, sensitivity, and functionality:

Quantitative PCR (qPCR)

Also known as real-time PCR, qPCR allows for the quantification of target DNA in real-time during the amplification process. It uses fluorescent dyes or probes that emit a signal proportional to the amount of amplified DNA, enabling accurate quantification and gene expression analysis.

Reverse Transcription PCR (RT-PCR)

RT-PCR is used to amplify RNA sequences by first converting RNA into complementary DNA (cDNA) using reverse transcriptase. This technique is valuable for studying gene expression and detecting RNA viruses.

Multiplex PCR

Multiplex PCR allows for the simultaneous amplification of multiple target sequences in a single reaction by using multiple primer pairs. This technique saves time and resources when analyzing multiple genes or variants simultaneously.

Applications of PCR

PCR has revolutionized various fields of biology and has a wide range of applications:
  • Genetic Testing: PCR is used to detect genetic disorders, mutations, and polymorphisms by amplifying specific gene sequences.
  • Infectious Disease Diagnostics: PCR is a highly sensitive method for detecting and identifying pathogens, such as bacteria and viruses, by amplifying their genetic material.
  • Forensic Analysis: PCR is employed in forensic investigations to amplify small amounts of DNA from crime scene samples, enabling the identification of suspects or victims.
  • Evolutionary Studies: PCR is used to amplify ancient DNA from fossils or archaeological samples, allowing researchers to study the evolutionary history and relationships of organisms.
  • Cloning and Recombinant DNA Technology: PCR is utilized to amplify specific gene sequences for cloning into vectors and expressing recombinant proteins.

Limitations and Challenges

While PCR is a powerful technique, it has some limitations and challenges:
  • Primer Design: Designing specific and efficient primers is crucial for successful PCR. Primers must be carefully designed to avoid non-specific binding and self-complementarity.
  • Contamination: PCR is highly sensitive and can amplify even trace amounts of contaminating DNA, leading to false-positive results. Strict laboratory practices and controls are necessary to minimize contamination.
  • Inhibitors: Certain substances present in the sample, such as salts, proteins, or organic compounds, can inhibit PCR by interfering with the DNA polymerase or primer binding. Sample purification and optimization of reaction conditions can help overcome inhibition.

Further Reading